lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

Data Structures and Algorithms Using Visual Basic.NET


This is the first Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) book to provide a comprehensive discussion of the major data structures and algorithms. Here, instead of having to translate material on C++ or Java, the professional or student VB.NET programmer will find a tutorial on how to use data structures and algorithms and a reference for implementation using VB.NET for data structures and algorithms from the .NET Framework Class Library as well as those that must be developed by the programmer. In an object-oriented fashion, the author presents arrays and ArrayLists, linked lists, hash tables, dictionaries, trees, graphs, and sorting and searching as well as more advanced algorithms, such as probabilistic algorithms and dynamic programming. His approach is very practical, for example using timing tests rather than Big O analysis to compare the performance of data structures and algorithms. This book can be used in both beginning and advanced computer programming courses that use the VB.NET language and, most importantly, by the professional Visual Basic programmer. Michael McMillan is Instructor of Computer Information Systems at Pulaski Technical College. With more than twenty years of experience in the computer industry, he has written numerous articles for trade journals such as Software Development and Windows NT Systems. He is the author of Perl from the Ground Up and Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic.Net and coauthor of several books.

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